刘中民 (ZhongMin Liu) 研究员 博士生导师 (Professor, Ph.D.) 电话:+86-411-84379998 传真:+86-411-84379289 Email:zml@dicp.ac.cn
刘中民,男,汉族,1964年生于河南省。民盟盟员,理学博士,研究员,博士生导师。现任中科院大连化学物理研究所所长。2015年当选中国工程院院士。 刘中民研究员长期从事固体酸碱材料合成与应用研究,完成了“八五”国家重大科技攻关课题“合成气经由二甲醚制取低碳烯烃”的研究。以开发非石油资源路线大规模生产烯烃的技术为目的,作为技术负责人完成了世界上的首次甲醇制烯烃工业性试验并通过了国家级技术成果鉴定,实现了我国在国际上率先拥有设计和建设百万吨级工业装置的技术能力。主持研制成功了具有自主知识产权的固体酸催化中压丙烯水合制异丙醇催化剂及其相应的工艺技术,甲醇制二甲醚催化剂及其相应的工艺技术,并实现了工业化。另外还完成了“渣油制烯烃催化剂研制”、“石脑油催化裂解制烯烃”、“催化裂化低结焦催化剂”、“催化裂化催化剂新材料”、中国科学院“天然气、油田气综合利用”等重大项目;完成了“催化组合化学”知识创新方向课题和“天然气制烯烃”国家973计划基础研究课题。围绕C1化学和化工,近期主要从事酸碱催化的新反应、新过程、新催化剂,分子筛及类分子筛的合成,吸附剂及吸附分离过程等方面的研究。培养研究生60多名,发表论文260多篇,申请专利400余件。 刘中民研究员主要的学术和社会兼职有:第13、14届国际分子筛会议(International Zeolite Conference)国际学术委员会委员;《催化学报》、Journal of Energy Chemistry编委,大连市政协常委,民盟大连市副主委。 刘中民研究员获国家技术发明一等奖一项,中国专利金奖一项,中科院科技进步特等奖一项,中国石化联合会技术发明特等奖一项,中国石化联合会科技进步特等奖一项,省科技一等奖二项,二等奖三项,还获得何梁何利基金科学与技术创新奖,侯祥麟基金奖,中国催化青年奖(首届),中央电视台2013年度科技创新人物,是新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选,先后获大连市“十大杰出青年”,大连市劳动模范,辽宁省优秀专家,大连市优秀专家等荣誉称号。 Prof. Zhongmin Liu (born in 1964, Henan) is a member of international advisory committee of 13th and 14th International Zeolite Conference, editor of Chinese Journal of Catalysis and Journal of Energy Chemistry, guest professor of Namur University, Jilin University, Zhengzhou University, Graduate Student College of Chinese Academy of Science and State Key Laboratory of Catalysis. The researches of his team focus on following areas: 1. New catalytic reaction, new process and new catalysts Synthesis gas to dimethyl ether; Methanol/dimethyl ether to ethylene and propylene; Catalytic cracking of residual (heavy) oil to ethylene and propylene; Low temperature catalytic cracking of naphtha to ethylene and propylene; Catalytic cracking of FCC gasoline to ethylene and propylene New FCC catalyst for the new fuel index; Low temperature selective; New catalytic reaction and new catalyst for petrochemical and fine chemical application, such as alkylation, isomerization, disproportionation, hydration of olefins, etc. 2. Synthesis of zeolites and zeolitic type materials Zeolites: ZSM series,SAPO series,metal-containing zeolites; ·Mesoporous materials ; ·Organic-inorganic hybrid materials ; Zeolite based complex materials 3. New adsorbents and new adsorption -separation process New adsorbent for removal of impurities; Special adsorbents; New adsorbents for petrochemical application Adsorbents for H2 and CH4 storage
《甲醇制烯烃》, 刘中民, 刘昱, 田鹏, 叶茂, 魏迎旭, 徐云鹏, 乔立功, 张今令, 王雷等, 科学出版社, ISBN 978-7-03-043306-0, 2015。 |
Methanol to olefins (MTO): from fundamentals to commercialization, Peng Tian, Yingxu Wei, Mao Ye, Zhongmin Liu*, ACS Catalysis, 5:1922−1938, 2015. |
Direct observation of cyclic carbenium ions and their role in the catalytic cycle of the methanol-to-olefin reaction over chabazite zeolites. Shutao Xu, Anmin Zheng, Yingxu Wei, Jingrun Chen, Jinzhe Li, Yueying Chu, Mozhi Zhang, Quanyi Wang, You Zhou, Jinbang Wang, Feng Deng, Zhongmin Liu*. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 52(44), 11564-11568, 2013. |
Synthesis of DNL-6 with a high concentration of Si (4Al) environments and its good application for CO2 separation. Xiong Su, Peng Tian, Dong Fan, Qinghua Xia, Yue Yang, Shutao Xu, Lin Zhang, Ying Zhang, Dehua Wang, Zhongmin Liu*. ChemSusChem, 6(5), 911-918, 2013. |
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Generation of diamondoid hydrocarbons as confined compounds in SAPO-34 catalyst in the conversion of methanol. Yingxu Wei, Jinzhe Li, Cuiyu Yuan, Shutao Xu, You Zhou, Jingrun Chen, Quanyi Wang, Qing Zhang, Zhongmin Liu*, Chem. Commun., 48, 3082-3084, 2012. |
A novel solvothermal approach to synthesize SAPO molecular sieves using organic amines as the solvent and template, Dong Fan, Peng Tian, Shutao Xu, Qinghua Xia, Xiong Su, Lin Zhang, Ying Zhang, Yanli He, Zhongmin Liu*, J. Mater. Chem., 22, 6568-6574, 2012. |
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Observation of heptamethylbenzenium cation over SAPO-Type molecular sieve DNL-6 under real MTO conversion conditions, Jinzhe Li, Yingxu Wei, Jingrun Chen, Peng Tian, Xiong Su, Shutao Xu, Yue Qi, Quanyi Wang, You Zhou, Yanli He, Zhongmin Liu*, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 134, 836-839, 2012. |
Co-reaction of ethene and methylation agents over SAPO-34 and ZSM-22, Jinzhe Li, Que Qi, Zhongmin Liu*, Guangyu Liu, Dazhi Zhang, Catalysis Letters, 121, 303-310, 2008. |
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Synthesis of SAPO-34 templated by diethylamine: Crystallization process and Si distribution in the crystals, Dazhi Zhang, Peng Tian, Ying Zhang, Jinzhe Li, Lei Xu, Shuanghe Meng, Zhongmin Liu*, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 114, 416-423, 2008. |
Quantified MS analysis applied to combinatorial heterogeneous catalyst libraries, Hua Wang, Zhongmin Liu*, Jianghan Shen, Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry, 5, 802-808, 2003. |